Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Blind Waiters and Maturity

Tonight I learned a lot about myself. We went to a restaurant called "Blackout," which was just a bit different from places where I have eaten in the past.

Blackout is a pitch black restaurant, where you can't even see your hand in front of your face. The idea is that you experience the life of the blind, and did we ever experience it. We couldn't see our food, but it was probably the most delicious meal I've had in years. We could eat with our hands, lick the bowls, do anything, and no one could see us. Had I been with a girl, it may have been a lot more fun. Just cuz I could get away with bad manners without her knowing, of course. I ain't no perve.

Speaking of perves and people we went with: Kahan brought his younger brother and a one of his younger brother's friends. That's fine. But not when the younger brother's friend brings his younger brother and his younger brother's friends. So, we were with 15 year olds. THEY SUCKED. I now realize how much I've grown up, and how I actually got something out of this night, whereas they would make farting noises and laugh because no one could see who did it. They ruined my blind experience. Jerks.

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