Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mommy, Daddy, and Adir's birthday!

So Art and Joanne showed up in the homeland, and obviously the country got instantaneously funner.....more fun....actually, I prefer funner.

I met them in Jerusalem, got them settled in, then went out for a nice little happy birthday Adir dinner with them. Mom and Dad are excellent entertainment-- when I get married I want to amuse my kids and their friends the way Art and Joanne amuse us.

See, they've mastered the combination of "awkward as fuck" and "semi cool parents" along with a little "we quibble a lot just because it gives us something to do." I think it's a good style.

ON TO THE BIRTHDAY. It started in the Kramer Hoffman Bama apartment, where Dad held his first gun. He closed one eye to see out the scope--this didn't help, as he is probably legally blind in the eye he was using. Note to self: don't let Art  join the army.

Once he left the partay, a couple more people showed up. It's passover, so tons of people were out of town. Poor Adir, was no one going to show up for his party?
Well, the party started filling in, and we had a solid crew of people who really love Adir and his accent and singing voice. As we took more and more drinks, we had more and more fun (naturally, I can't see us having a good time without the influence of alcohol, duhhhh). Eventually, I found myself in Shaun's room with Faith and Adir singing pop songs at the top of our lungs, and once we were joined by Jules and Becca, the most amazing renditions of "F*ck a Dog" and "F*ck her gently" were pronounced by the group. It seemed that "f*cking" was the theme of the nights songs, so spice girls didnt quite fit in. But we sang them anyway.

We decided that after about 3.5 hours of pregaming, it may be time to go to the bars (after we peed out the window right next to the apartment instead of walking 10 feet to the toilet). Well, that didnt work out. We just ended up walking around and finding a great shnitzel place right next to the bars, where Adir doesn't remember eating a full meal. A few minutes later I found him sitting in the middle of the street, sunglasses on, posing like a model without knowing we were looking at him. So far so good for a 21st bday, eh??

His eyes looked asian, and because we assumed Jules was going to get with the anonymous Boulder army girl who was out with us, I went with Adir to stay in his apartment and take care of him. When we got there, he touched the door, assumed it was locked, and decided to climb up the side of the building to sneak in. His keys were in his pocket the whole time. Oy.

Spent the next few days impressing the parents with my Hebrew and sitting by the pool at their hotel swimming with the guys. We're back in Herzliya now, and more PG fun is sure to come with them in town. We are going to a winery tomorrow, and if it's anything like the weddings my dad drinks wine at, expect pictures of him dancing topless.

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