Sunday, November 1, 2009


I had no expectations for Halloween. I hadn't picked a costume until the Friday, when I went to a vintage store across the street to get a vest. No big plans, I thought it would just be an average weekend. It sort of was, but at least some weird shit happened to spice it up.

Starting on Friday night--we went to Diener's bday, and I had thought it was going to be a dress up party. Andrew, Rachel and I dressed as nerds, and no one else at the party was dressed up. Luckily, all I had to do was untuck my shirt, take off my fake glasses, roll down my pants, and
even I wasn't dressed up. I'm a fuckin Transformer.

The night wasn't especially exciting, though it ended at Pommes Frites where I endulged myself in a delicious Poutine (link included for non-Canadians). A girl in the line wanted to try it. I scooped it into her hand, and she smiled for this pic:


Oh yah, and I saw kids dressed as chickens (like Annie and I were dressed last year). I took a picture. They weren't thrilled.

Saturday started with a good ole Essa Bagel, followed by 2pm day drinking at Bergson's. That is too early to start drinking if you plan on staying out all day and all night. 5 Hours of Drinking games later, five of us decided to go check out the Halloween Parade happening down the block. There were thousands of people watching, how could we get a good spot? We first tried convincing people my sister was sick and lost, and if as a group we yelled "Shane!" we could potentially find her. We had about 20 people at a time yelling my sisters name. She's in Hong Kong.

Then Kyle VH decided we should just get in the parade. Brilliant idea. KVH, Butters and I climbed over the barrier and joined the parade, with thousands of people taking pictures of our every move as we proceeded down 6th Avenue like celebrities. Some Highlights included:

Ugly Scary People

Alice in Wonderland and Dorothy crushing on us

Team Nickelodeon--Me (Quail Man), and the Global Guts Girls +AgroCrag

Over 100 people started doing the Thriller dance in coordination. We somehow ended up in the group, before being escorted away for "not knowing the dance." That's f-ing discrimination. Oh well.

As we walked out of the parade, we took cover from the rain in a store entrance, where we were approached by "Santa Dressed as Michael Jackson." He also happened to be a midget and rode a Segway. Had to take a picture of him and Wilma from the Flinstones, who kissed me on the cheek cuz she liked me.

Rest of the night was anticlamactic. Some bar hopping, some costumes, the usual. But either way, Halloween had it's moments, and I'm glad I was a part of it. Oh, and here's Dino, dressed as a rabbi, as he ran into some other religious folk.

Broncos, Avs, and Nuggets are playing today. I'll be watching all the games with Bob. Go Denver!

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