Thursday, October 15, 2009

Life without cable but with addiction to TV

Our apartment doesn't currently have cable, yet I can say I am pretty much caught up on all the shows I watch on a regular basis. I don't think that's anything to brag about---it means that even though I sit at a computer all day working for StreetEasy, I find myself also by a computer at night. That's lame-ish. Anyway, here's what I'm watching and why I'm watching it.

Glee- Watching Glee every week reminds me of a special week in February or March of 2006. I was sitting in my freshman dorm room, when I flipped to Disney to try to watch a Boy Meets World rerun, but instead got sucked into some movie with kids lip syncing corny songs to each other. Terrible acting, poor writing, cheap sets---I was hooked. I checked every time it was going to be on, and told all my friends about how amazingly terrible it was. I got made fun of. But that movie was High School Musical, and I had inadvertently seen the premier, making me a "soothsayer" of sorts. I have good intuition about shitty TV/Movies, and when it will become classics. Another example: "From Justin to Kelly" with Kelly Clarkson and Justin Guarini. Same concept as HSM and Glee, but the dancing seemed a bit forced for a Spring Break atmosphere. It was a flop, as I predicted. Glee is not a flop. It is a bad show, as was HSM. But I love it. And I will continue watching it until Mr Shu figures out his wife isn't actually pregnant and Fin realizes Quin got fucked by his best friend. When that stuff happens, I'm out.

The Office- I watch because it's still good, and it still surprises me. When Andy tore his scrotum last week I laughed. Which begs the question--have you always been able to say scrotum on network tv? Have the rules eased up a bit lately? I was wondering if you are allowed to talk about "anal" without referring to someone being very particular and neurotic, but I just don't know what the rules are anymore. If you have any idea, let me know.

Modern Family- Quote me on this: Modern Family is TV's next great show. It is the next Arrested. It's something about the writing and the characters that gets me excited about watching it. I admit, the mockumentary style for TV shows is getting a bit old, but this show does it with style. It takes the overt racism and sexism and homophobia which we are bombarded by in every TV show and ties it together subtly--and who doesn't love subtle racism sexism and homophobia. Watch the pilot and you'll be hooked: Here it is!

Always Sunny in Philadelphia- They bicker for half an hour at a time. It can get tiring, but the Season 4 finale was too good to give up on the show. And I don't care, because I bicker all the time, which is why I feel like I would fit in on the show. AND Lucas's voice sounds exactly like Charlie's.

Sportscenter- Yah, it's a TV show. I am addicted to the top ten plays. I would stop midway through sex if I heard the top ten was on. Actually, I bet a lot of guys would say that. I would REFUSE sex if I heard the top ten was going to be on at some point. That's love baby.

Boy Meets World- Never gets old. Since I have every season and every episode on DVD, I get to relive my childhood whenever I want. Like the episode where Topanga moves to Pittsburgh. HOW COULD SHE LEAVE CORY? Oh, and by the way the creators must've been psychics or something-- How did they know in season 2 that Cory and Topanga were really going to end up getting married? Yes, I know, it was fully in their control...but still, I'm impressed that Cory kept saying he was going to marry her, and then they actually made it happen 6 seasons/years later.

I'll think of more later. Bed time.


KVH said...

How do you have BMW seasons 4-7 on DVD? I've never managed to find those few controversial episodes that Disney didn't re-air, like the one where Cory gets wasted (tho I have seen the Smart Guy where T.J. does).

jared said...

The magical world of bootlegging. Great quality, but the grammar on the back of the cases was terrible. And yes, Cory DOES get wasted to drown his sorrows when shit hits the fan with topanga...but who hasn't done that? It was the first time I felt BMW truly hit home, as sad as that is.

Seanydub17 said...

you must be having bad sex if you're taking top 10 over it... now sunday's top 10 plays of the week thats another story... but on a daily basis? cmon jar.