Saturday, February 9, 2008

Jareds' night out

Before you read this, I should be clear that my grammar was perfect in the title above. You see, it wasn't just my night out- it was my night out with Jared Ciner (hence, Jareds' night out). It was a pretty whack night, and JC thought I should tell everyone about it through my blog. Here goes.

So, the night started with my dad and I picking up Jared to go to the game. I love my mom, but it was fucking stupid of her to make chicken with prunes before I went to a public area. The car was soon graced with my delectable fragrance, and I was close to sharting about 3 times.

We got to the game, where Ira Goldman ripped our parking pass. That made me uncomfortable. I thought he was wrestling. Oh well, he seemed happy, and it was good to see him.

We walked in to the sound of the national anthem and a familiar voice. Where have I heard that voice? Was it Shakira? No. Was it Blink 182? No. It was Shayna Goldstein, the daughter of Cantor Marty Goldstein of our synagogue. Crazy shit.

As we sat down, a big darker skinned man loomed over our shoulders. Yah, fuckin Manny Corpas sat behind us. Art has become close to him, so I watched in awe as my pops gave whats up high fives to the Rockies Closer.

The Nuggets won, Melo scored 49, it was fun. One of those- run into people everywhere that you have'nt seen in forever like kylie ohringer- nights. Oh yah, and when we went down to the floor we saw Lala Vasquez (melo's wife). She looks good, I bet she gets so much poon that he doesn't know about.

^ on a side note, that's a youtube video of a guy etchasketching melo, but theres a rap song about him in the background. It's a hot track if you're really into bad lyrics and references to key bank.

So I guess the night wasn't that insane. But I got to spend my last night before I leave for Israel writing a blog entry, which is way more fun than finishing packing. If I do get my bags loaded, then my next blog entry will be from the land of Milk, honey, and Jules Kramer. peace out america

1 comment:

Seanydub17 said...

you are such a sean wannabe with your own blog right now-- i love it. i'm going to respond to most of your posts because i love when people respond to mine. I hope you traveled safe to Israel. I hope it's cool that your sis my love is coming out next weekend to visit me even though you're not here. XOXO. I'm so proud of you.