Sunday, March 2, 2008

I fell while rollerblading

Well, we all knew I was going to crash eventually. Rollerblading is dangerous, especially if you go fast with reckless abandon. I was flying down a hill pretending to be skiing (i even imagined the poles in my hands), when I hit a wet spot and smacked my face on the pavement. Looking back, it would've been more badass if I had really gotten hurt, but all I got was a scraped knee and a cut on my nose that looks like a pimple. I'm embarrassed. Don't worry though, I won't quit blading. Well.....good talk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wash U heads to Augustana to take on Wooster in first round of NCAA's on Friday... Winner plays Augustana-Aurora winner on Saturday.

Call me some time.